NOVITA Gapchinska Cotton Q-tips in plastic pack, 200 pcs

Eugenia Gapchinskaya is a famous Ukrainian paiter. Her art inspires and makes you look at everyday things in a new way. There is a great love for the whole world and every moment of life in her work. Together with Eugenia Gapchinskaya popular brand Novita created a marvelous collection of cotton q-tips with images of the most recognizable pictures on the package.
These little helpers are an indispensable attribute of any make-up bag or bathroom draw. You can easy use little q-tips to correct make-up or manicure mistakes, clean your ears or nose. They are also ideal for disinfection and wound treatment. The quality of natural materials was confirmed by the Cotton Natural association. There are two cotton tips on the plastic flexible frame stick that tightly wound and maintaining their integrity during cleaning procedures of any complexity
Application method: Use for soft cleaning the ear shells surfaces. Q-tips can be used for applying cream on spots and other skin defects.